AFL Recruitment Sydney

Top 5 CV failures & outdated resume rules

Having read thousands of CV’s over the years, our team are quickly able to cut through the fluff to get to the gold on a resume. Let me share the biggest fails with you here:


Be specific and succinct. What does “proven track record of success” mean? Tell me specifically what has made you successful in various roles


Have a summary but make it stand out. Look at these two examples and tell me which is more effective?


Summary One: Results-oriented PR Manager with a bottom-line orientation and proven track record of success.

Summary Two: I got hooked on PR when I was assigned to write business stories for my college newspaper. Since then I’ve helped my employers get exposure on CNN, the Wall Street Journal and a long list of other major media outlets.

Don’t list tasks and duties you performed at every past job. Tell us what you achieved, specifically.

You don’t need to list your past jobs in reverse chronological order with no explanation of why you moved from one job to the next. We want to understand your career path, so we can determine if the role will be a right fit for where you want to go

Be human – we are not robots, and neither are you! You can balance being conversational and human with being professional throughout if.